How to Stop Overthinking Everything

How to Stop Overthinking Everything

It's easy to get caught up in your own head, replaying past mistakes and worrying about the future. Dwelling on negative thoughts can take a toll on mental health and rob us of the joy of living in the present moment.

What is Overthinking

Overthinking is when your mind gets stuck on a certain thought or problem and you can't stop thinking about it. It's like a broken record that keeps playing over and over again, making it hard to focus on anything else.

Robin McGill highlights 2 main types of overthinking:

Ruminating. It’s about repeatedly going over past events or mistakes, analyzing them from every angle, and trying to figure out what you could have done differently.

Worrying. Another common type of overthinking where a person becomes preoccupied with thoughts and concerns about possible future events, even if they are unlikely to happen.

How to Stop Overthinking

Overthinking can have a detrimental impact on our mental health and overall well-being. It's a difficult habit to break, but fortunately, there are practical ways to stop overthinking and regain control of our thoughts and emotions.

Find your Distractor

The first step in working on any stumbling block is to recognize what triggers it and discover patterns. Identifying your distractors can help break the cycle of overthinking by giving your mind something else to focus on.

Use distractors in a healthy way to take control of your thoughts and emotions and improve your overall well-being. The simple way to use distractors is through physical activity. Engaging in regular exercise or taking a walk outside can help release endorphins and reduce stress levels. Hobbies and creative pursuits, such as painting or gardening, can also provide a healthy distraction from overthinking and allow you to focus on something positive and enjoyable.

Practice Mindfulness

To regain control of your thoughts and emotions, practice mindfulness. It's a technique that involves being fully present in the moment without any judgment. Take a few minutes each day to meditate, and focus on your breath and emotions. As consistent practicing mindfulness can improve your mental health and overall well-being.

Take Time to Reflect

When we overthink, our minds tend to get caught up in a never-ending loop of negative thoughts and worries. Practicing self-reflection can help you develop strategies to cope with these triggers and change the way you think about them.

Compare Yourself Only with Yourself in the Past

Comparing yourself to others can make you feel like you're not good enough and can seriously harm your self-esteem. But there's a simple way to escape from this toxic mindset: start comparing yourself only to your past self.

It's important to take a moment to introspect and reflect on yourself. Think about the goals you set for yourself in the past and how you've accomplished them. Consider how you've changed and developed as a person. By focusing on your own progress and accomplishments, you can see how far you've come and feel proud of your journey.

Live in the Present

As we mentioned earlier – overthinking involves worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Living now involves being fully engaged in the task at hand and paying attention to your surroundings. Another way to live in the moment is to practice gratitude for what you have now (not only materially but also morally). So let go of the past and focus on what you can control in the present.